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January 23, 2009

Productivity Tips Newsletter
For Better Results, Goals & Success

Looking for a speaker for Your Group Contact Wendy Kobler of the Gulas Group and have her schedule Ted Gulas to speak to your organization about numerous workplace performance topics. wendy@koblercom.com

Working Smart with Blackberry
If you have a BlackBerry, we have the process for increasing your productivity. We created this class in conjunction with Research In Motion
(the maker's of BlackBerry) when the world's largest distributor of their devices wanted to train their employees to use this tool more effectively. Graduates of this class maintain increased productivity and enhanced on the job performance by knowing how to match the right process and skill set when using their BlackBerry

Performance Tip : Maximize Performance For 2009

Make every day count
By Michael Janz

Do you get to the end of a working day and think, “I’ve worked flat out but I’ve done nothing I set out to do.”Chances are if this happens often, you are not planning for success.

Daily planning is critical to working productively in 2009. You often have to slow down long enough in order to speed up! Effective daily planning will help you do the Right Job at the Right Time. It will help you cope with interruptions and help you answer the “What do I need to do next?” question.

Can you answer yes to all of the statements?

I have set up a re-occurring appointment with myself before close of business each work day to ensure all that I’d planned to do that day is under control and the next day is achievable.
Any incomplete tasks, to do's or activities are date activated to the appropriate day.
My inbox is cleared. Emails are either filed or date activated as tasks or to do's if they require future action.
I take some time out before close of business to reflect on the day, particularly focusing on the lessons learned and record my successes.
When looking at my calendar, all meetings and appointments are indicated including travel time added when appropriate.
I plan preparation and follow up time after meetings and appointments.
Time is allocated for lunch and other daily routines.
I can clearly identify the amount of time left in the day to handle my tasks, to do's or activities as well as the unexpected.
Each day I estimate the amount of time my High or 'A' priority tasks, to do's or activities will take.
I ensure I add in a realistic “interruption percentage” to that calculation.
I block out time in my calendar to identify space to complete my High or 'A' priorities.
I follow the same process for my Normal, Medium or 'B' priorities.

If NO was the response to a number of these statements, the programs below can help.

Graduates of Priority should call the local office to refresh their skills. The New Year is a great time to refocus.

Click below to find out more:

Working Smart with Outlook
Working Smart with Lotus Notes
Working Smart with GroupWise
Priority Manager
Priority Curriculum

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